Special Announcement – Parking Survey

Below is a link to a survey that is petitioning to reduce the proposed 50% parking cost increase.
Our goal is to reach 500 signatures and we need more support. You can read more and sign the petition here:


Unable to Access UVic Email or Account?

If you were unable to attend the meeting on zoom because you were unable to access your uvic email/ account or that your account is locked you will need to contact the computer help desk:

Hours of Operation:

  • Mon. to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
  • Weekends, 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
  • Stat holidays, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m


  • Clearihue A037

Phone Number:

  • 1-250-721-7687
  • 1-844-721-7687 (toll-free)


  • helpdesk@uvic.ca

What you need:

  • netlink id username and password
  • onecard
  • download “duo mobile” onto a phone (they can help you with this)

February General Meeting

General Meeting

CUPE 917 is hosting a Hybrid General Meeting on Wednesday February 16th, 2022 at 4:15pm in the Cornett B112

This meeting will be held in person and via zoom simultaneously.

If you did not receive an email with meeting information please email generalmeetings@cupe917.ca to be added to the mailing list.

You will then receive a link with meeting details


At this meeting key agenda items are:

Bylaw Motion: To increase signing authority from 3 to 4 for inclusion of Recording Secretary

Proposed motion from January General Meeting: To increase CUPE 917 retirement gift from $10 per year of service.

Updates on SIA Market Adjustments
Bargaining Updates
Canvassing for Steering Committee members for bargaining

If you are interested in becoming part of the Steering Committee for bargaining and cannot attend this meeting please email bargaining@cupe917.ca

Will still have $100 doorprize available!

You must use the Zoom App on a device or use a Computer to attend via zoom, there will not be an option to call in with a phone

November General Meeting

CUPE 917 is hosting a Hybrid General Meeting on Wednesday November 17th, at 4:15pm

You can attend in person at Cornett Building B112 following all protocols found here 

Or you can attend via Zoom by emailing generalmeeting@cupe917.ca with your Name and Preferred Email by 4:00pm November 17th


At this meeting key agenda items are:

Nominations for Vice President and a Trustee Position



Will still have $100 doorprize available!


You must use the Zoom App on a device or use a Computer to attend via zoom, there will not be an option to call in

September General Meeting

CUPE 917 is hosting a Hybrid General Meeting on Wednesday Sept 15th, at 4:15pm

You can attend in person at Cornett Building B112 following all protocols found here 

Or you can attend via Zoom by emailing generalmeeting@cupe917.ca with your Name and Preferred Email by 4:00pm Sept 15th


Will still have $100 doorprize available!


You must use the Zoom App on a device or use a Computer to attend via zoom, there will not be an option to call in