Upcoming Education Opportunities

CUPE Education will be offering 3 in-person workshops being held at the CUPE Victoria Area office located at 737 Yates Street, Suite 200, Victoria, BC, V8W 1L6

Time(s): 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (PACIFIC)

Space is limited, and you must pre-register to hold your spot. See all details below.

If you are interested in taking any of these courses, please email me at Education@Cupe917.ca



TUESDAY, 08-OCT-2024


What does a CUPE steward do? If you are a new steward and want to learn how to help CUPE members solve workplace problems, this introductory workshop is for you! In this workshop, you will learn:
• investigating workplace problems;
• filing a grievance;
• meeting with management;
• dealing with workplace complaints.
NOTE: Please bring a copy of your collective agreement to the workshop.


TUESDAY, 05-NOV-2024

SLS – GRIEVANCE HANDLING (morning session)

Share tips and successful practices with other stewards and learn strategies for handling difficult grievances.
NOTE: Please bring your collective agreement and Steward  Handbook to the workshop.


Learn about key legal concepts and terms, and the role of stewards during an employer’s investigation, when discipline is given, and during grievance meetings.
NOTE: Please bring your collective agreement and Steward Handbook to the workshop.


TUESDAY, 03-DEC-2024

BARG – How Bargaining Works (morning session)

This module can be added to other parts of the Bargaining Education Program. It covers the legal framework for collective bargaining and where we get our power as a union.

BARG – Notetaking for bargaining (afternoon session)

Bargaining notes are critical – during bargaining and when new language is being implemented after bargaining has ended. Learn how to read the room, understand body language, take good notes, and store notes after bargaining.
NOTE: This workshop is for bargaining committee members.

University Club Bargaining Bulletin #4

We had a third day of bargaining on July 24th. After having rescheduled bargaining numerous times at their request, we were disappointed in the employer’s counter offers. The counters on benefits and wages fell far short of what the bargaining committee felt would be acceptable to the membership.

Our displeasure was made clear to the employer and we informed them we would be consulting with the membership for direction on next steps. We also informed them that we are not in a rush to reach a deal that will not meet the needs of our membership.

There will be a special membership meeting scheduled near the end of summer to provide a comprehensive bargaining update and to discuss next steps. The employer needs further time to explore benefit options and we will do our best to schedule the special membership meeting at a time that accommodates all of our members.

Once a date for the meeting has been determined it will be shared with the membership.

General Meeting, July 17 2024

CUPE 917 General Meeting

Wednesday, July 17 2024

Clearihue A317 at 4:15pm

Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/s/82200919048#success

Meeting ID: 822 0091 9048

This meeting will be held both in person and via zoom simultaneously.

All members attending via Zoom are required to display their full name before being admitted.

Hybrid meeting voting note:
Due to CUPE National guidelines, all secret votes for elections, ratifications, bargaining and strike votes must be done using a singular platform. As such, all voting in this manner will be done in person using paper ballots to ensure the integrity of the votes.
Any vote that only requires a show of hands may still be done via Zoom.

Meeting Agenda:
New Member at Large – Virgie Stewart

Nominations for 2 Member at Large

Palestine protest encampment update

U-club bargaining update

Food service food credit discussions

Pension plan changes

Use of CallHub to text membership

In solidarity,

Dave Sylvest
Recording Secretary, CUPE 917
Outside Workers | University of Victoria

University Club Bargaining Bulletin #3

We were scheduled to resume negotiations on July 8th , after the employer had rescheduled previous date citing operational requirements. The July 8th date has now been postponed until July 24th at the employer request as well. We are still awaiting a counter offer on the monetary proposals and hope to conclude negotiations by July 26th

General Meeting June 19, 2024

CUPE 917 General Meeting

Wednesday, June 19 2024
Clearihue A317 at 4:15pm

Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89051289140

Meeting ID: 890 5128 9140

This meeting will be held both in person and via zoom simultaneously.

All members attending via Zoom are required to display their full name before being admitted.

Hybrid meeting voting note:
Due to CUPE National guidelines, all secret votes for elections, ratifications, bargaining and strike votes must be done using a singular platform. As such, all voting in this manner will be done in person using paper ballots to ensure the integrity of the votes.
Any vote that only requires a show of hands may still be done via Zoom.

Meeting Agenda:
Nominations for 3 Member at Large

Palestine protest encampment update

Pacific Blue Cross Board of Directors election

Potential increase in cost of benefits

U-club bargaining update

Food service food credit discussions

In solidarity,

Dave Sylvest

Recording Secretary, CUPE 917
Outside Workers | University of Victoria


University Club Bargaining Bulletin #2

                                          Bargaining Bulletin #2

We met with the employer on June 10th and reached agreement on outstanding non-monetary proposals and began discussions on monetary proposals like wages and benefits.
We were scheduled to continue bargaining on June 14th but have rescheduled to June 21st at the employer’s request. We expect the employer will have an update regarding wages and benefits at our next bargaining date. Negotiations have continued to be respectful and productive and we have found common ground on a number of issues.

Telus Employee plan

Fwd: Telus Employee Plan Update: Get your iPhone 15 128GB for only $23.79

Good Afternoon,

Attached are the latest Telus Employee offers and order form.

Thinking of a new device? Get the iPhone 15 128GB for only $23.79 or the Samsung S24 128GB for $5.00 with the Bring it Back Program.

Here is a link to place orders online. TELUS EMPLOYEE PLAN ORDER SITE

Best offers:

Offer 1) $50.00 Data Plan with 75GB of Data included with the iPhone 15 128GB for $23.79 per month with the Bring it Back Program. (Total monthly $73.79 plus tax)

  • Add Unlimited USA Roaming and 25GB More Data to this plan for only $5.00 More.

Offer 2) $50.00 Data Plan with 75GB of Data included with the Samsung S24 128GB for $5.00 per month with the Bring it Back Program. (Total monthly $55.00 plus tax)

  • Add Unlimited USA Roaming and 25GB More Data to this plan for only $5.00 More

Offer 3) $50.00 Data Plan with 75GB of Data included with the Samsung S24+ 256GB for $20.00 per month with the Bring it Back Program. (Total monthly $70.00 plus tax)

  1. Add Unlimited USA Roaming and 25GB More Data to this plan for only $5.00 More

Offer 4) $50.00 Data Plan with 75GB of Data included with the Google Pixel 8 128GB for $6.92 per month with the Bring it Back Program. (Total monthly $56.92 plus tax)

  • Add Unlimited USA Roaming and 25GB More Data to this plan for only $5.00 More.


Telus Renewals are Eligible for all the Same Hardware. Telus Renewal rate plans are $55 but Include 100GB of data with USA Roaming. See attached for more details.

Bring Your Own Device Options: (Available when bringing your phone from another carrier. BYOD Plan for New Activations Only. No Contract. Prices below are after $5.00 BYOD Credit for 24 Months)

  1. $45.00 for 50GB of High Speed Data
  1. $50.00 for 100GB of High Speed Data Including Unlimited USA Roaming. When you add another line to your existing account you’ll receive an Additional $5.00 Bill Credit when selecting this plan for 24 Months.
  1. $60.00 for 150GB Including Unlimited USA and Mexico Roaming. When you add another line to your existing account you’ll receive an Additional $5.00 Bill Credit when selecting this plan for 24 Months.

More Offers:

  1. Add a Watch or Tablet for $10.00 per Month to share the Data with your Phone
  2. $25.00 Talk and Text Plan or $33.00 Talk and Text with 3GB of Data
  1. Telus Smart Home Security. See Page 5 for More Details (Bundle with your Cell Phone and save up to $15 per month)
  1. All Current Hardware Pricing can be Found on Page 3 of the Attached with and without the bring it back Program


There are lots of other options for plans and hardware available on the attached order form to choose from.


To order please complete this fillable PDF form and email it back and we will process ASAP. You can also place your order online by clicking here: TELUS EMPLOYEE PLAN ORDER SITE

Click here for PDF

Pacific Blue Cross voting

Dear CUPE 917 Member,

We are urgently requesting your support this week. Members of CUPE Local 917 have fought hard for our extended health benefits, and to access them we rely on our benefits provider, Pacific Blue Cross.

Right now, Pacific Blue Cross (PBC) plan members can vote to elect new directors to the PBC Board. As plan members, the health and well-being of you and your family are directly impacted by the decisions made by the PBC Board of Directors.

There is a lot at stake in this election. This year, Dr. Brian Day is running to be a director of the PBC Board. Dr. Day has a long and well-documented history of trying to dismantle public health care. He wants to be on the Board so he can promote his own privatization agenda, not because he has the best interests of PBC members at heart.

CUPE 1816, which represents PBC workers, has endorsed three candidates for the Board:

  • Jaime Matten
  • Dr. Patricia Gerber
  • Dr. Chuanyi (Johnny) Nie


Jaime Matten is the Executive Director of the BC Federation of Labour and has dedicated her career to fighting for workers and the community. Dr. Patricia Gerber is a pharmacist who knows the importance of secure and reliable extended health benefits to support people’s access to prescriptions. Dr. Johnny Nie is an emergency health physician in the interior. Everyday he sees that people who have access to good benefits have better health outcomes, and that is what he wants to support.

These candidates are also endorsed by CUPE BC and the BC Federation of Labour. All three of them want PBC to remain a strong, not-for-profit health insurance provider. Electing them is the best way to keep Dr. Day from joining the board and pursuing his agenda to privatize the public health care you rely on.

How to vote:

  • Voting is happening right now online via the PBC website. Click here to vote for our endorsed candidates.
  • The voting period closes Monday, June 17 at 4:30 p.m. You must vote online during this period for your vote to count.
  • To vote, you will need your Policy Number 40704 and ID Number (Uvic V number so include the two zeros at the beginning 00________), which you can find on your PBC ID card. You’ll also need your birth date.
    • If you are on an FNHA plan: in the policy number field, enter 40000. Enter your Status Card number in the ID Number field.
  • If you have trouble voting, you can contact PBC for help during business hours at 604-419-2098


Let’s make sure that PBC’s Board of Directors remains committed to prioritizing people over profits.

Vote today for Jaime Matten, Patricia Gerber, and Chuanyi (Johnny) Nie to help us protect the benefits we’ve fought so hard for.

In Solidarity,

CUPE 917 Executive.
Jaime Matten’s entire career has focused on supporting progressive organizations in British Columbia, from small volunteer coalitions to complex labour federations. She is dedicated to strengthening the programs and services that make our province better. As the Executive Director for the BC Federation of Labour, she works with unions in every corner of the province and every sector of the economy to advance the rights of working people to fair wages, safer workplaces, good benefits, and economic security. She knows that workers around the province rely on extended health benefits from Pacific Blue Cross every day. Jaime wants to see the provision of critical services through a non-profit model continue to be PBC’s focus. She looks forward to being on a Board of Directors that continues to put people front and centre in their decision making.

 Johnny Nie is an Emergency Physician at the Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops. His professional interests include resuscitation simulation, teaching, and quality improvement, and he has research background in immunology and virology. At Royal Inland Hospital he is a Clinical Instructor for the Department of Emergency Medicine at UBC’s Faculty of Medicine. Johnny speaks Japanese, Mandarin, and English. Johnny has thorough knowledge of good governance and a deep passion for making a healthier community through access to a broad array of health services. Working in the emergency room at one of the busiest hospitals in the province, he regularly sees the impact that good extended health benefits can have on the health and well-being of everybody. Johnny will strengthen Pacific Blue Cross to ensure that all members can continue to benefit from its services for many years to come.

Dr. Gerber is currently the Director of Degree Programs for Pharmacists, and is leading the development of the new Professional Master’s degree program for pharmacists at the University of British Columbia’s Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Dr. Gerber has published in several clinical and academic journals, has been an invited speaker in national and international conferences, and continues to serve in several national and international scholarly roles. Her excellence in teaching has seen her nominated for the Pharmacy Teacher of the Year Award every year between 2020 and 2023. She has been a member of the Pacific Blue Cross Board of Directors since 2019. She is committed to ensuring that Pacific Blue Cross continues to be a source of reliable, high quality benefits supporting workers and residents in British Columbia.

University Club Bargaining Bulletin #1

University Club Bargaining Bulletin #1

 We met with the employer and their representative on May 24th for the first day of bargaining. Bargaining has begun on a positive note. Discussions were respectful and productive.

 We have made good progress on non-monetary items and reached agreement on a number of proposals. Our next bargaining day is scheduled for June 10th. We expect to discuss monetary items that day.


General Meeting – March 20th

CUPE 917 is hosting a Hybrid General Meeting on Wednesday March 20th, 2023 at 4:15pm in the Clearihue a317 (CLE).
This meeting will be held in person and via zoom simultaneously.


  • Job Evaluation(JE) Update
  • UVic Budget Cuts Update
  • CARSA Shift Differential Updates
  • University Club(U-Club) Updates
  • Bylaws Update
  • U-Club Bargaining
  • Education Update
  • Pride 2024 Updates

Due to changes in the CUPE Constitution, there have been updates to how votes are to be conducted in meetings that are held virtually and in person.  Copied below is the information from the CUPE Constitution.

B.6.2 In Person or Virtual Meetings 
The Local Union may hold membership meetings in person and/or virtually. Where virtual meetings are held, all voting will be conducted electronically provided secrecy can be maintained, where mandated.

Members attending the meeting in person will need to bring an electronic device that can log into Zoom as all ballots will be cast using the Zoom poll option.  Click here for information in regards to joining Zoom.

**If you are no longer a CUPE 917 member, please click the “unsubscribe” button below to be removed from this email list.