CUPE 917 – 2023 November 15th General Meeting

18/10/2023 @ 4:15 PM
Room A317

CUPE 917 is hosting a Hybrid General Meeting on Wednesday November 15, 2023 at 4:15pm in the Clearihue a317 (CLE).
This meeting will be held in person and via zoom simultaneously.


  • Presidential voting:
    Tony Ferreira FMCS
    Shane Randall FMCS
  • Member-At-Large voting:
    Dave Chiddle FMPL
    Dave Sylvest FMCS
  • Notice of a Motion to increase the Xmas party budget
  • Logo Competition

Due to changes in the CUPE Constitution, there have been updates to how votes are to be conducted in meetings that are held virtually and in person.  Copied below is the information from the CUPE Constitution.

B.6.2 In Person or Virtual Meetings 
The Local Union may hold membership meetings in person and/or virtually. Where virtual meetings are held, all voting will be conducted electronically provided secrecy can be maintained, where mandated.

Members attending the meeting in person will need to bring an electronic device that can log into Zoom as all ballots will be cast using the Zoom poll option.  Click here for information in regards to joining Zoom.


2023 X-Mas Sign-up Sheets

Each Union Board or Department office has a Sign-up sheet posted on who is able to go and if they will be brining a guest (click here for an example of what the sheets look like). If you don’t know where you’re sign-up sheet is, click here for the locations of all the union boards on campus.