The 2024 TD1 has now been released and is availible to complete. Prior basic amounts have been indexed to the new basic amounts.
There are a few remaining issues with the online TD1.
- The Basic amount “Worksheet (TD1-WS)” calculator is not currently producing the correct values.
- The selector for “Have you claimed tax credit amounts with other employers?” is not setting the basic amount to zero.
We are awaiting updates for these issues, but in the mean time, we have released the TD1 so that you are able to complete most of the functions allowed.
2024 TD1 tax forms will not be available until late January 2023 due to the Canadian Revenue Agency’s (CRA) delayed release of the 2024 TD1 form.
As a temporary solution, UVic will be setting every employee’s basic exemption to:
- $15,705 for federal tax, and
- $12,580 for BC provincial tax.
How does this affect your personal taxes?
If you do not normally complete an annual TD1 or if you normally just claim the basic amount, then there will be no effect on your taxes.
If you normally complete a TD1 to:
- Increase or decrease your exemption,
- declare another employer,
- declare other amounts, or
- add additional taxes;
your initial 1-2 payrolls will not have your personalized tax deductions (deducted at source). This will be resolved when you file your taxes 2024 taxes in 2025.
What should you do next?
Please check this page or on the week of Jan 2nd.
If you have any additional questions, please contact the payroll office.