Upcoming Education Opportunities

CUPE Education will be offering 3 in-person workshops being held at the CUPE Victoria Area office located at 737 Yates Street, Suite 200, Victoria, BC, V8W 1L6

Time(s): 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (PACIFIC)

Space is limited, and you must pre-register to hold your spot. See all details below.

If you are interested in taking any of these courses, please email me at Education@Cupe917.ca



TUESDAY, 08-OCT-2024


What does a CUPE steward do? If you are a new steward and want to learn how to help CUPE members solve workplace problems, this introductory workshop is for you! In this workshop, you will learn:
• investigating workplace problems;
• filing a grievance;
• meeting with management;
• dealing with workplace complaints.
NOTE: Please bring a copy of your collective agreement to the workshop.


TUESDAY, 05-NOV-2024

SLS – GRIEVANCE HANDLING (morning session)

Share tips and successful practices with other stewards and learn strategies for handling difficult grievances.
NOTE: Please bring your collective agreement and Steward  Handbook to the workshop.


Learn about key legal concepts and terms, and the role of stewards during an employer’s investigation, when discipline is given, and during grievance meetings.
NOTE: Please bring your collective agreement and Steward Handbook to the workshop.


TUESDAY, 03-DEC-2024

BARG – How Bargaining Works (morning session)

This module can be added to other parts of the Bargaining Education Program. It covers the legal framework for collective bargaining and where we get our power as a union.

BARG – Notetaking for bargaining (afternoon session)

Bargaining notes are critical – during bargaining and when new language is being implemented after bargaining has ended. Learn how to read the room, understand body language, take good notes, and store notes after bargaining.
NOTE: This workshop is for bargaining committee members.