University Club Bargaining Bulletin #4

We had a third day of bargaining on July 24th. After having rescheduled bargaining numerous times at their request, we were disappointed in the employer’s counter offers. The counters on benefits and wages fell far short of what the bargaining committee felt would be acceptable to the membership.

Our displeasure was made clear to the employer and we informed them we would be consulting with the membership for direction on next steps. We also informed them that we are not in a rush to reach a deal that will not meet the needs of our membership.

There will be a special membership meeting scheduled near the end of summer to provide a comprehensive bargaining update and to discuss next steps. The employer needs further time to explore benefit options and we will do our best to schedule the special membership meeting at a time that accommodates all of our members.

Once a date for the meeting has been determined it will be shared with the membership.